The final THyGA event took place in a hybrid format, on the 24th of March: around 400 attendees gathered online or physically to discover the results of the project and its main conclusions. 4 hours is very short to summarize 3 years of work, therefore the presentation below gives the main take-over but the final deliverables of the project provide more in-depth information and analysis!
Please note that the results given in the video below are provisional results and that the project conclusions are given in the reports
You will find below the link to the presentation of the workshop. Please note that this presentation is slightly different from the document disclosed during the THyGA final workshop of the 24th of March 2023. Indeed, late results came up, especially regarding delayed ignition, which incited us to slightly modify the project’s conclusions. We greatly encourage interested stakeholders to read the project reports, especially D3.8 to have a complete understanding of our analysis.
Some questions were raised during te workshop, please find below answers from the THyGA experts
The THyGA team finally reunited, 3 years after the kick-off meeting!